Is it Time for Ruby on Rails Developers to Make a Switch to JavaScript Frameworks?

switching from ruby on rails to javascript based frameworks such as reactjs expressjs vue nextjs

Web development technologies evolve rapidly, presenting developers with new possibilities and challenges. For years, Ruby on Rails has been a staple for building robust web applications, but the rise of Node.js has sparked conversations about whether it’s time for Ruby on Rails developers to make the switch. This article explores the strengths and considerations surrounding Node.js, inviting Ruby on Rails developers to evaluate if this transition aligns with their goals and project requirements.

The decision to switch from Ruby on Rails to Express js , Nodejs and React for full stack development depends on several factors, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Here are some considerations that might help anyone looking for an answer.

While there are many reasons to stick with Ruby on Rails, in this article, I aim to convey both my personal viewpoint and some general perspectives. Generally, you could continue with Ruby on Rails, but personally, I believe you should consider switching to a JavaScript-based framework and align your skills with current market demand. As a developer, you should contemplate transitioning to JavaScript frameworks. I understand that switching will require hard work on your part and may initially cause discomfort. However, the amazing results and advantages you’ll gain in the end will justify the effort, and all your hard work will be rewarded with more opportunities by learning and using JavaScript-based frameworks.

For someone new to the developer journey, I would strongly recommend choosing JavaScript without hesitation. It’s experienced Ruby on Rails developers who need to decide whether to switch or not. JavaScript developers won’t have to consider switching to other frameworks.

Let’s first understand why you should stick with Ruby on Rails.

Reasons to Stick with Ruby on Rails:

Ruby on Rails and Node.js are both powerful technologies, but they have different strengths and use cases. Here are some scenarios where Ruby on Rails might be preferred over Node.js:

Expertise and Comfort:

If you are already an expert in Ruby on Rails, switching to Node.js might involve a steep learning curve. To switch you will need to familiarize yourself with Node.js concepts, asynchronous programming, and the event-driven model. Sticking with a technology you are comfortable with can lead to increased productivity.

Project Requirements:

If the current project is well-suited for Ruby on Rails and the existing codebase is stable, there may be no compelling reason to switch. Evaluate the specific needs of the project.

Community and Ecosystem:

Ruby on Rails has a strong and supportive community. If you value this community and relies on the existing Ruby on Rails ecosystem, it might be a reason to stay.

Consider Long-Term Goals:

Consider long-term goals and whether Node.js aligns with your career objectives.


Consider building a small prototype or experimenting with Node.js to get a feel for the technology and its applicability to the project.

Project Compatibility:

Assess the specific requirements of your projects. While Node.js excels in certain scenarios, Ruby on Rails remains a powerful framework for many use cases. Evaluate whether the strengths of Node.js align with the demands of your applications.

Convention-Over-Configuration and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY):
Ruby on Rails follows the principles of Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). This means that the framework provides sensible defaults and conventions, reducing the need for developers to write boilerplate code. If you appreciate a framework that enforces best practices and reduces the amount of configuration you need to manage, Ruby on Rails may be a good fit.

Rapid Development:
Ruby on Rails is renowned for its emphasis on developer productivity and rapid application development. Its scaffolding features and built-in conventions allow developers to quickly create functional applications with less manual configuration. This can be advantageous in scenarios where time-to-market is critical.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Ruby on Rails is renowned for its ability to swiftly develop applications. It’s an optimal choice for building small-scale apps efficiently, making it ideal for creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).

Full-Stack Framework:
Ruby on Rails is a full-stack framework that includes everything needed to build a web application, from the front end to the back end. If you prefer an all-in-one solution that provides consistency across the entire application stack, Ruby on Rails may be preferable.

Mature Ecosystem:
Ruby on Rails has been around since 2005 and has a mature and stable ecosystem. It has a large number of gems (libraries) available, covering a wide range of functionalities. If you value a mature and well-established ecosystem with a strong community, Ruby on Rails might be a good choice.

Monolithic Applications:
Ruby on Rails is well-suited for building monolithic applications, where the entire application is contained within a single codebase. If your project aligns with a monolithic architecture and you appreciate the simplicity of managing a single codebase, Ruby on Rails might be a good choice.

Content-Heavy Applications:
If your application involves content-heavy pages and benefits from the built-in features of Active Record (Rails’ ORM) for handling database interactions and associations, Ruby on Rails can be a solid choice.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a thorough evaluation of the specific context and needs of the developer and the project at hand. It may also be worth consulting with team members and stakeholders to gather diverse perspectives.

Reasons to Consider JavaScript Frameworks:

Performance and Scalability:

If the project requires high performance and scalability, Node.js is known for its non-blocking, event-driven architecture, which can handle a large number of concurrent connections. For applications with high I/O operations, such as real-time applications or chat platforms, Node.js can offer significant performance advantages over Ruby on Rails.

JavaScript Everywhere:

If you are interested in using JavaScript both on the frontend and backend, Node.js provides a unified language stack. This can lead to better code sharing and collaboration between frontend and backend developers.

Microservices Architecture:

Node.js is well-suited for microservices architecture, where smaller, independent services communicate with each other. If the project is moving towards or already using a microservices approach, Node.js might be a good fit.

Learning Opportunities:

Learning a new technology can be beneficial for personal and professional growth. If you are interested in expanding their skill set, Node.js could provide valuable learning opportunities.

Vibrant Ecosystem:

Node.js boasts a rich ecosystem of libraries and packages through npm (Node Package Manager). The vast array of modules available can streamline development and provide solutions for various functionalities, fostering a more agile and efficient development process.

Most used web framework

According to a survey conducted among developers in 2023 (data source: Stack Overflow), the top 6 most used web frameworks are all based on JavaScript. The 7th spot, Vue.js, has nearly three times as many votes as Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is ranked 18th. Python-based frameworks such as Flask and Django are also surpassing Ruby on Rails, and similarly, Java-based framework Spring Boot also surpassing Ruby on Rails.

statistic id1124699 most popular web frameworks among developers worldwide 2023

Most used programming language

According to a survey conducted in 2023 among developers (data source: Stack Overflow), the most used programming language is JavaScript, receiving almost 10 times as many votes as Ruby.

statistic id793628 most widely utilized programming languages among developers worldwide 2023

Job Opportunities

Based on my research on Indeed for developer jobs in the United States, there are nearly 15 times more opportunities for JavaScript-based roles compared to Ruby-based developer roles. When searching for the keyword “JavaScript” on Indeed, it returned around 35,000 job opportunities, while searching for “Ruby” returned approximately 2,500 job opportunities. Additionally, searching for “Ruby on Rails” yielded around 900 job opportunities, which is significantly less than the search results of around 15,000 jobs for the keyword “Reactjs.”

Furthermore, for many Ruby on Rails jobs, there is a requirement to learn Node.js and JavaScript frameworks, as companies prefer to use React.js for the front end.

keywordApproximate Number of Jobs on Indeed
Ruby on rails900
Next js1100
Vue js1500
React native2100
Angular js3400
Keywords and corresponding number of search results on Indeed job search site.

It’s evident that JavaScript holds a clear advantage when it comes to job opportunities in the developer market. The demand for JavaScript developers is robust and continues to grow, especially with the widespread adoption of JavaScript-based frameworks and libraries for both front-end and back-end development. This trend underscores the importance for developers to adapt their skills to match market demands and capitalize on the abundant opportunities available in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Average Salary:

It’s interesting to note that when calculating the weighted average salary using pay options on Indeed for various search terms, there doesn’t seem to be much difference in salary between learning JavaScript frameworks and focusing on Ruby on Rails. For instance:

  • React.js: $120,000
  • JavaScript: $110,000
  • Ruby on Rails: $120,000

This suggests that salary-wise, there isn’t a significant gap between these roles. As a developer, your earnings are typically based on your expertise and proficiency in the language and frameworks you specialize in. However, given the greater number of opportunities in JavaScript-based developer roles, it’s likely that you’ll find it easier to achieve a comparable salary in the JavaScript ecosystem compared to Ruby on Rails roles.

Mobile App Development: Ruby on Rails isn’t typically suited for mobile app development, whereas JavaScript offers the React Native framework, enabling the creation of apps with near-native performance.

SEO Optimization: In today’s digital landscape, content marketing plays a pivotal role in website success. JavaScript frameworks provide an array of SEO tools essential for effective content marketing strategies.

High Traffic Websites: JavaScript-based frameworks are often preferred for high traffic websites due to their scalability and performance optimization features. They offer robust solutions for managing large volumes of concurrent users and handling heavy loads, ensuring smooth and efficient operation even under intense traffic conditions.

Dynamic websites benefit from both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript-based frameworks like Next.js and React. In Ruby on Rails, the dynamic nature of the website is achieved through its MVC architecture, allowing seamless interaction between the front-end and back-end components. With React and Next.js, JSX enables the creation of highly dynamic front-end interfaces, facilitating real-time updates and interactive user experiences.

Single Page Applications (SPAs) are a forte of JavaScript frameworks due to their ability to efficiently manage complex client-side interactions. React, coupled with Next.js, provides a robust environment for building SPAs, leveraging features like virtual DOM for speedy rendering and client-side routing for seamless navigation. This enables the creation of fluid, responsive web applications that deliver a desktop-like user experience.

Client-Side Rendering: JavaScript frameworks enable client-side rendering, where the majority of the application logic runs in the user’s web browser. This approach reduces server load and improves performance by only fetching data from the server as needed, rather than reloading entire pages.

Improved User Experience: SPAs provide a smoother and more responsive user experience by eliminating page reloads. JavaScript frameworks facilitate dynamic content updates and seamless transitions between views, resulting in a more interactive application.

Asynchronous Data Loading: JavaScript frameworks leverage asynchronous data loading techniques such as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to fetch data from the server without blocking the user interface. This allows SPAs to display content quickly while data is fetched in the background.

Rich Frontend Capabilities: JavaScript frameworks offer rich frontend capabilities, including DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, and interactive user interfaces. Developers can leverage these features to create engaging and visually appealing SPAs that rival native desktop applications.

Component-Based Architecture: Many JavaScript frameworks, such as React and Vue.js, promote a component-based architecture, where UI elements are encapsulated into reusable components. This modular approach enhances code organization, maintainability, and scalability, making it easier to manage complex SPAs.

Flexibility and Customization: JavaScript frameworks provide developers with greater flexibility and customization options compared to traditional server-side frameworks like Ruby on Rails. Developers have more control over the frontend behavior and appearance, allowing them to tailor the user experience to specific requirements.

Ecosystem and Tooling: The JavaScript ecosystem boasts a vast array of libraries, plugins, and development tools that support SPA development. From state management libraries like Redux to build tools like Webpack, developers have access to a comprehensive toolkit to streamline development and enhance productivity.

Overall, JavaScript frameworks excel in building SPAs by offering improved performance, a better user experience, rich frontend capabilities, modular architecture, flexibility, and a robust ecosystem of tools and libraries. However, it’s essential to consider factors such as project requirements, team expertise, and scalability when choosing between JavaScript frameworks and server-side frameworks like Ruby on Rails.

Using both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript-based frameworks:

Some developers prefer utilizing both Ruby on Rails for backend development and React for frontend development. However, I’m not particularly fond of this approach as it introduces complexity and requires proficiency in two different sets of programming languages. Instead, we have more popular and robust options available, such as Next.js. Next.js is a single framework in JavaScript that facilitates full-stack development seamlessly. Alternatively, developers can opt for Express.js combined with React.js for a cohesive and efficient development experience.


JavaScript brings exciting possibilities to the table, and the decision to switch from Ruby on Rails should be a strategic one. Consider your current salary, current job requirements, project requirements, expertise level in Ruby, and long-term goals. While JavaScript offers a compelling alternative, the switch may not be necessary for every developer or project. Ultimately, the choice between Ruby on Rails and Node.js depends on your unique needs and the direction you envision for your web development journey.

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