How to Compress & Decompress a Folder in Command Line

To compress a folder using the command line, you can use various tools depending on the compression format you prefer. Here are a few examples:

  1. ZIP Compression:
  • Syntax: zip -r folder_to_compress
  • Explanation:
    • zip: Command for creating a ZIP archive.
    • -r: Recursive flag to include all files and subdirectories within the specified folder.
    • Name of the resulting ZIP file.
    • folder_to_compress: Path to the folder you want to compress.
   zip -r myfolder
  1. GZIP Compression (TAR + GZIP):
  • Syntax: tar -czvf your_archive.tar.gz folder_to_compress
  • Explanation:
    • tar: Command for creating a TAR archive.
    • -c: Create a new archive.
    • -z: Use GZIP compression.
    • -v: Verbose mode to display progress.
    • -f: Specify the name of the resulting archive.
    • your_archive.tar.gz: Name of the resulting TAR GZIP file.
    • folder_to_compress: Path to the folder you want to compress.
   tar -czvf myarchive.tar.gz myfolder
  1. TAR Compression:
  • Syntax: tar -cvf your_archive.tar folder_to_compress
  • Explanation:
    • tar: Command for creating a TAR archive.
    • -c: Create a new archive.
    • -v: Verbose mode to display progress.
    • -f: Specify the name of the resulting archive.
    • your_archive.tar: Name of the resulting TAR file.
    • folder_to_compress: Path to the folder you want to compress.
   tar -cvf myarchive.tar myfolder
  1. RAR Compression:
  • Syntax: rar a your_archive.rar folder_to_compress
  • Explanation:
    • rar: Command for creating a RAR archive.
    • a: Archive mode to create a new archive.
    • your_archive.rar: Name of the resulting RAR file.
    • folder_to_compress: Path to the folder you want to compress.
   rar a myarchive.rar myfolder
  1. 7z Compression:
  • Syntax: 7z a your_archive.7z folder_to_compress
  • Explanation:
    • 7z: Command for creating a 7z archive.
    • a: Archive mode to create a new archive.
    • your_archive.7z: Name of the resulting 7z file.
    • folder_to_compress: Path to the folder you want to compress.
   7z a myarchive.7z myfolder

Remember to replace your_archive with the desired name for the resulting compressed file and folder_to_compress with the actual path to the folder you want to compress.

To decompress or extract a compressed folder or file in the command line, you can use various commands depending on the compression format used. Here are the commands for different compression formats:

  1. ZIP Decompression:
  • Syntax: unzip
  • Explanation:
    • unzip: Command for extracting ZIP archives.
    • Name of the ZIP file you want to extract.
  1. GZIP Decompression (TAR + GZIP):
  • Syntax: tar -xzvf your_archive.tar.gz
  • Explanation:
    • tar: Command for manipulating TAR archives.
    • -x: Extract files from the archive.
    • -z: Use GZIP decompression.
    • -v: Verbose mode to display progress.
    • -f: Specify the name of the archive.
    • your_archive.tar.gz: Name of the TAR GZIP file you want to extract.
   tar -xzvf myarchive.tar.gz
  1. TAR Decompression:
  • Syntax: tar -xvf your_archive.tar
  • Explanation:
    • tar: Command for manipulating TAR archives.
    • -x: Extract files from the archive.
    • -v: Verbose mode to display progress.
    • -f: Specify the name of the archive.
    • your_archive.tar: Name of the TAR file you want to extract.
   tar -xvf myarchive.tar
  1. RAR Decompression:
  • Syntax: unrar x your_archive.rar
  • Explanation:
    • unrar: Command for extracting RAR archives.
    • x: Extract files from the archive.
    • your_archive.rar: Name of the RAR file you want to extract.
   unrar x myarchive.rar
  1. 7z Decompression:
  • Syntax: 7z x your_archive.7z
  • Explanation:
    • 7z: Command for extracting 7z archives.
    • x: Extract files from the archive.
    • your_archive.7z: Name of the 7z file you want to extract.
   7z x myarchive.7z

Remember to replace your_archive with the actual name of the compressed file you want to extract. The extracted files will be placed in the current directory unless specified otherwise.

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